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國際三校農業生技與健康醫療碩士學位學程(GIP-TRIAD)於 2017 年 2月開始於三校招生(見圖5),學生於通過入學考試與GLidD 系統能力輔助評估,在 9 月入學後,15 名學生於第一學期統一於筑波大學上課與規劃實習日程,並經 GLidD 系統輔助規劃學涯與建議課程模組後,在第二學期時統一移動至臺灣大學,依學生之志向、興趣及意願進行選定模組課程、上課、相關實驗室研發培育與各國合作公司實習,第三學期時移動至波爾多大學,進行選定模組課程、上課、相關實驗室研發培育與合作公司實習。最後的學期(第四學期)時,學生可以依自己的生涯規劃與 GLidD 系統能力與志向導向式輔助評估後,選擇前往適合的國家學校與實習公司以完成其他所需的畢業學分、研究計劃與實習課程,唯最終需回母校畢業。



圖5: 創新高移動性 GIP-TRIAD 簡介



Outline of Education System and Curriculum


Semester 1@
University of
Tsukuba (UT)

Semester 2@ National Taiwan University (NTU)

Semester 3@
University of
Bordeaux (UB)

Semester 4@
UT or NTU or UB

Common Courses

∙Understand GIP Philosophy, GLidD system and study process

Initiation Seminar
∙Cultivate entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Training

∙Learn methodologies for food and Traditional Medicine

Fusion of Field and Laboratory Studies I

Laboratory Internship II

∙Learn methodologies for food and health

Fusion of Field and Laboratory Studies II

Laboratory Internship III

∙Complete Comprehensive Report on Integrated themes and have final achievement evaluation
(GlidD System)

Advanced Global Innovation Training

∙Study and understand European corporate culture and workings

Internship for Global Innovation II
(Corporate Intern.)

∙Continue learning corporate culture  and workings in desired country of employment

Internship for Global Innovation III
(Corporate Intern.)

∙Study and understand Asian corporate culture and workings

Internship for Global Innovation I
(Corporate Intern.)

∙Study agriculture and med. science form a global perspective & cultivate management skill

Introduction to GIP

International R&D Management
*Common Graduate Subjects, etc.

∙Take TOEFL Exam

∙Study and understand the Fundamentals of Research

Laboratory Internship I

Specialized Courses

∙Specialized study of agriculture and medical science

*Basic Plant Biotechnology
*Infection Biology, etc.

∙Specialized study of agriculture and medical science

∙Specialized study of agriculture and medical science

∙Specialized study of agriculture and medical science

*Appropriate Use of Genetic Resources
*Basic Toxicology,etc.

圖6: GIP-TRIAD各學期運轉模式