International Joint Degree Master’s Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health(College of comprehensive Human Sciences)
Master's degree (comprehensive report) Examination criteria
【Examination System】
The joint review committee established to conduct the examination of comprehensive report consists of one chief examiner selected byhome university of the applicant and two or more examiners selected by the other two universities.
1. The chief examinershall be a faculty member who is permitted to guide student researchby theirinstitution.
2. The examiners shall have a doctoral degree and have sufficient track record of research guidancein the relevant field of study.
3. Home-university supervisors of applicants ofthe examination can join as observers.
4. Other-university supervisors can join in the reviewcommitteeasthe examinerbut cannot be the chief examiner.
5. The chief examineris selectedfromthe home universityof applicants.
6. The chief and other examiners are recommended by the degree examination committee, and approved by the steering committee of GIP-TRIADbefore the end of January.
7. For each applicant, the degree examination committee member of the home universityrecommends a chief examiner, and at least 1 examiner is recommended by the degree examination committee member of each university.
8. At least 3 examiners(at least 1 from each university)arerequiredto join the oral examinationof comprehensivereport.
9. The oral examinationconsistsof 20-minute presentationand30-minutedefense.
10. The date and time of the oral examination should bedecided by the degree examination committee member of the home university of applicants.
11. The degree examinationcommittee member of the 4th-semester university of applicantsarranges aroom for the oral examination where examiners in the other universities can join through skype orother teleconference systems.
12. Whether the oral examination is closed or open is decided by the degree examination committee member of the home university of applicants.
13. Evaluation is dependent on the home university of applicants (e.g., Pass or Fail in UT)
【Evaluation Item】
1. The student has acquired basic knowledge and skills related to food safety
evaluation and health maintenance on a global scale.
2. Regarding real global challenges in food safety evaluation and health maintenance, the student understands the process from setting up a problem to resolving it professionally, and can plan and develop specific methods for problem solving.
3. The student has an international perspective along with cultural adaptability, and the practical ability to get things done in serving people and society.
4. The student can communicate well and demonstrate leadership in the field of international activities.
5. The student has the creativity to innovate through interdisciplinary learning and advanced practical research.
6. The student has acquired a cross-cutting perspective that is not limited to his or her area of specialization.
【Evaluation Criteria】
A degree is awarded to a student who has earned sufficient credits in accordance with course methods and graduation requirements in three universities (University of Tsukuba, National Taiwan University and University of Bordeaux), who is recognized through an examination (written material and oral presentation) on their comprehensive report,and who satisfies the assessment criteria by learning outcome evaluation system.