Tenure Faculty Position at NTU College of Medicine Global Innovation Joint-Degree Program (GIP-TRIAD)




(1) 申請時已具有教育部認可之國內外大學醫療健康、食品安全或相關領域博士


(2) 專長領域:

a.   智慧醫學

b.   系統生醫學及生物資訊學

c.   基礎生物醫學

d.   其他健康與食安等專長與永續議題,與學程及院內教師專長互補者

(3) 本學程之專業課程為英語授課。

(1) 申請表 (請詳附件檔案)
(2) 個人履歷 (含學經歷、學術專長、完整著作目錄及可教學課程等)

(3)  預定教學計畫書,請提供1-2門醫療資訊學、精準健康等相關教學規劃,

(4)  研究規劃書

(5)  最高學歷證書影本、歷年成績單正本(博士學位證書影本)
(6)  身分證正反面影本(外籍人士附護照基本資料頁影本)1份
(7)  現職或經歷證明文件1份
(8)  其他有利審查資料


(9)  推薦函3份


(1) 於申請截止日前請將上述申請資料文件按排序繳交:

(I)    申請資料(1)-(8)合併一份PDF電子檔

(II)       申請表(1)請另附WORD檔

(III)    推薦函3份寄達:由推薦人直接email寄送至: chsueh@ntu.edu.tw,Email


(IV)    紙本請郵寄至:

100台北市仁愛路一段一號2樓223室 臺大國際三校學程辦公室 收

(2)  若通過書面審查者將安排面試及英文專題演講;若未通過審查者不另通知。


相關網址  http://www.ntugip-triad.ntu.edu.tw/  
聯 絡 人  薛小姐 
聯絡電話  02-23123456#88594
電子郵件  chsueh@ntu.edu.tw




Faculty position in Medical College: Assistant Professor and/or Higher [Starting from Aug. 1st, 2022]


Application Deadline:

Oct. 31st, 2021



Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree Qualified candidates are welcome to demonstrate the capabilities of performing independent research on "Medical Informatics and Precision Health”and of excellent communications and teaching in English. Expertise and experiences in the fields of bioinformatics, biostatics and medical big data as well as a great passion in academic education is also encouraged.


Applicant qualifications and areas of expertise

(1)  Doctorate degree in medical informatics, genomic medicine, smart health, food safety and other related fields.

(2)  More than one-year experiences (before the appointment started at Aug., 2022) of the academic teaching and/or of post-doc research are referred.

(3)  Areas of Expertise

Smart Medicine

Systems Biomedicine and Bioinformatics

Basic Medicine

Other health and food safety expertise and sustainability issues as well as those complemented with the scopes of the program and college.


Application Documents

(1) Application Form (Please see the attached Form #1).

(2) Curriculum Vitae

(3) Research plan(s) (in the coming 3 years, preferred)

(4) Teaching plan(s): It is recommended to provide 1-to-2 courses with outline and syllabus.

(5) One photocopy of doctoral degree, original of transcripts.

(6)One photocopy of personal ID card (both side) and/or passport.
(7)One photocopy of current job certificate and/or approval letter

(8)Other beneficial documents and materials: Ex: copies of research publications within 5 years, awards, teaching experience etc.

(9)3 recommendation letters.


How to Apply

(1) Please submit the above application documents before the application deadline:

(i) Please send the [Application Documents] (1 – 8) and combine a PDF file.

(ii) Please send the “Application Form (1)”, which shall be in a WORD (doc/docx) format.

(iii) 3 copies of recommendation letters. Please inform the recommenders send the letters to us directly. The subject of the email is: “Applying for the Project Faculty of NTU GIP-TRIAD _ applicant name”. Our email address is: chsueh@ntu.edu.tw

(iv) Please send the all of original documents to our office before the deadline. “GIP-TRIAD Office, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Room 223, No. 1, Sec. 1, Jen-Ai Rd., Taipei 10051, Taiwan”

(2) An interview with research talk in English will be arranged after reviewed and recommended by the Recruitment Committee. We will not notify applicants who are not recommended.



For more information, please contact:

GIP-TRIAD Office, National Taiwan University

Room 223, No. 1, Sec. 1, Jen-Ai Rd., Taipei 10051, Taiwan
T: +886-2-23123456 ext.88594

Contact: Ms. Hsueh

Email: chsueh@ntu.edu.tw

Website: http://www.ntugip-triad.ntu.edu.tw/